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Transformation Lives in the Butterfly Garden

With Drs Larry Ward and Peggy Rowe Ward recorded on March 5, 2023.

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We are living in a time of change that is evolutionary in its mystery, scope and depth. Emerging values of wellness of the self, Earth and society call us beyond the trance of colonial imprints, into the profound dimensions of embodied and expanded consciousness. It may be that the transformation that this time demands from us could only be met now.

Dr Ward also kindly answered a question that we didn’t have time to get to in the live session:

Eva asked; in Light of your story about the dog Larry rescued – Larry mentioned he had a profound moment of connection looking into Thashi’s eyes when he woke one morning as Thashi hovered over him while he slept. She wanted to know how he now holds the relationship with this dog as a spiritual being vs. being merely a pet.

Dr Ward responded: Thashi, for me, is an archetype of watchfulness, playfulness and learning. He has become a teacher and a dear friend. A profound expression of the wonders of all of creation.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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