In this session, Martin opened up to dharma questions from the Sangha. He invited questions that were personal or impersonal, about technical aspects of Buddhism or the wider field of Dharma practice, about anything between heaven and earth including both; about life, love and liberation; work, sex, money, power; the depths of meditation and the breadth of living what Zorba the Greek famously called ’the full catastrophe’ of life; about the personal, relational, social, ecological or cosmological expressions of dharma teachings and practice.
With Martin Aylward recorded on November 17, 2019.
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The Dharma of Homecoming in Times of Fear
Recorded :
July 26, 2020 Maya Angelou once wrote: “The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.” James Baldwin reflected: “Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.” In The Wiz, Stephanie Mills sang: “When I think of home I think of…
Sometimes Bodhisattvas need a rest!
Recorded :
October 22, 2017 The life of a bodhisattva can be tough. There is immense suffering on our planet at this moment in history. It can be joyful work, but it can also be difficult to live a life aligned with values such as serving others with compassion. How can the wisdom of the dharma help? Join Nina La…
A Pathway to Freedom Through Connecting with the Body
Recorded :
June 19, 2022 Where’s your body? Can you feel it? Is it still there?! Life is full. There’s so much to plan and think about. We can go hours without feeling a single breath or footstep. Can you relate? By getting lost in our thoughts we over-identify with a limited sense of “self” and therefore suffer. We will…
We Journey from Birth Onto Death. Does Life Offer Something More?
Recorded :
January 30, 2022 Life seems an inevitable movement in the field of time until death interrupts. Amidst the myriad number of events, welcome and unwelcome, we hastily conclude the way we perceive reveals the way things are.
Fluidity and spontaneity.
Recorded :
November 22, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Christelle Bonneau: “Fluidity and Spontaneity”. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Emptiness: Surmounting the Limitations of the Intellect
Recorded :
February 11, 2024 The Suttas, Sutras and Shastras tell us that we can dislodge and extinguish what the deluded mind has created. There is a common thread through them all… we should realize the emptiness of all conditioned phenomenon. Let’s step into this discussion together to look deeper into the mind that realizes emptiness as the gateway to…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Nathan Glyde – Week of March 22, 2021
This week’s theme is: Resolve to Unbind the Heart
The word resolve can embody many meanings. This week we will see how much it offers on a Dharma path of awakening. It is made of re & solve: ‘re’ as in ‘really’, fully, with intensity; ’solve’ as in loosen, undo, or dissolve. Such a poetic and insightful combination: to intensely loosen.
The Buddha offered teachings and practices for a path of unbinding. A path of resolve to resolve, of dedication to undoing. For dukkha is a state of high activity and reactivity: a doing of distress. Meditations are practices of skilful and subtle activity that unbuild problematic senses of self and loosen missions of reactivity. An invitation to wake up to life, in life, for life, and there in the midst of it all to resolve: to fully unbind.
Imagination: An Integral Aspect of Liberating the Heart
Recorded :
May 21, 2023 Our heart/mind is naturally creative; it foresees, remembers, dreams, and perceives. The products of our imagination shape our intentions, expanding the realm of possibilities beyond what we’ve learned, seen, or experienced thus far. We can give ourselves permission to imagine and co-create our lives. And once this is cultivated and the doors of perception are…