In this session, Martin opened up to dharma questions from the Sangha. He invited questions that were personal or impersonal, about technical aspects of Buddhism or the wider field of Dharma practice, about anything between heaven and earth including both; about life, love and liberation; work, sex, money, power; the depths of meditation and the breadth of living what Zorba the Greek famously called ’the full catastrophe’ of life; about the personal, relational, social, ecological or cosmological expressions of dharma teachings and practice.
With Martin Aylward recorded on November 17, 2019.
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Daily Meditation Recordings, with Martin Aylward – Week of May 15 – 19, 2023
Daily meditations with Martin Aylward.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of June 13, 2022
This week’s topic is Healing Shame and Guilt. Psychologists describe shame as soul-eating emotion. Shame and guilt prevent us from developing trusting connections with others and a healthy sense of appreciation for ourselves. The Buddha taught that systems of self-reference such as shame and guilt can cause pain and stress. To find liberation is to find freedom from these deeply harmful emotions. We will look at practical ways to find such freedom in our own lives.
Luminous Darkness: A Path for Seeing Clearly from the Heart
Recorded :
October 2, 2022 One of the gifts of global uncertainty is that it requires us to recognize and release unconscious biases that have been passed down for generations. These include the perception that splits into opposites and values light over dark, speed over slowing down, productivity over attunement, and conclusion over not knowing. Awakening requires that we soften…
Cabbages & Condoms
Recorded :
October 24, 2021 During this session we be explore life’s basic necessities and drives, and the critical difference between ‘getting along’ and ‘getting ahead.’ Our meditation practice will be based on the Wise-Heartedness Bhavana to help us cultivate skilful response to distractions in daily life. A transcript of this session is available here.
Can love reveal ultimate reality?
Recorded :
December 19, 2021 We know the cost to the reality of life through deprivation of love.
Science has eliminated love from its analysis of reality.
We cannot know ultimate reality though highlighting the mind and dismissing the heart or vice-versa.
The Buddha made frequent reference to metta with its three-fold application of deep love, kindness or friendship.
This talk will explore the relationship of love to ultimate reality.
Love and Resiliency
Recorded :
August 30, 2020 The world is unsteady and chaotic. We find ourselves struggling in a pandemic that has completely disrupted our lives. Many of us are being confronted with the reality of death in a way we thought we never would. In the face of all this, it is hard to maintain our physical and emotional balance. Resiliency…
Letting go of fear; finding courage in the face of uncertainty.
Recorded :
March 5, 2017 Even though we know fear does not serve us, we often allow it to stop or limit us. We might not even be aware of the ways it drives us and makes us smaller than we are. Though we might think we can control life, there is little we can actually control. If we are…
Change the story, change your life
Recorded :
June 25, 2017 We live our lives through stories – about the world, and about ourselves. You may have noticed these stories surfacing in awareness in your meditation practice. We often cling to these stories as being “true”, yet holding this wrong view conceals that these stories are impermanent, cause suffering, and ultimately, are not personal. In this…