With Stephen Batchelor recorded on May 22, 2016.
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Let’s Talk about Meditation
Recorded :
November 22, 2019 This class is an opportunity to explore our meditation practice, on and off the cushions. Meditation can be everything we do. It’s up to us whether we have a life of meditation or a life of daydreaming. Meditation will lead to freedom of your mind and daydreaming will lead to the enslavement of the mind….
Skillful Ways to Work with Difficult Thoughts in Meditation
Recorded :
November 21, 2021 There’s a misconception that thoughts are a hindrance to deep meditation and tranquility. Especially during this ongoing challenging time, certain thoughts may be persistent and difficult to release. Yet, thoughts themselves are not the problem; it’s our relationship to them that determines whether or not they impede our meditation. In this session, we will explore a number of skillful ways to work with difficult or persistent thoughts in meditation to support inner well-being and clarity.
Bodhisattva Practice
Recorded :
June 23, 2024 Using the hagiography of the Bodhisattvas of Compassion, Wisdom, and Activity, let’s explore how to bring those ideals into our everyday life off the cushion. What can these perfections of compassion, wisdom and activity teach us about our own journey to practice-realization, and liberation.
Living by Vow
Recorded :
July 23, 2023 To live by vow is a radical reorientation – from reactivity to response-ability, and from fear to love. This session will examine what it means to walk the spiritual path, and consider the importance of inspiration, aspiration and aligned, appropriate action. Together we will explore the tenderness and power of meeting the world from what…
Embodying the dharma: contact, curiosity and care.
Recorded :
February 1, 2015 Worldwide Insight talk from Martin Aylward: “Embodying the Dharma: Contact, Curiosity and Care”. Worldwide Insight inaugural session. Guided meditation, Dharma talk and Q&A.
Citta and Right Speech: Cultivating the Voice of Kindness and Wisdom
Recorded :
July 31, 2022 Dharma practice encourages us to transform our thoughts, words and actions. The primary mechanism for how this is accomplished is vague. What often goes unnoticed is that the use of the term mind has undergone a radical psychologization from the time of the Buddha into present day. During this session we will explore the many nuances of…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Catherine McGee – Week of March 6, 2023
This week’s theme is “Exploring and Developing the Power of a Light Touch”. A light touch can allow our practice to unfold more easefully, make the depths of our hearts more available and create a greater agility in our relationships with the world. With our body as the primary ground for our practice we will explore different ways to cultivate this kind of attention, enjoy the fruits of our efforts and attend to what might hinder this natural capacity
Presence as an Act of Compassion and Love
Recorded :
April 21, 2024 Mindful presence is the necessary ground of compassion and care. With presence, we courageously enter an intimacy that connects us with ourselves, each other and the world, body, heart and spirit. The beautiful truth is that presence and love can grow and blossom through the practices of meditation and mindful loving awareness. Let’s join together…