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Confidence in the Dhamma, Confidence in Yourself

With Chris Crotty recorded on March 24, 2019.

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As we attune to the truth of impermanence (anicca) the very preciousness of life itself begins to penetrate our awareness: the flowers will not last forever, our dear friends will come and go, those we love will grow old. Even how we chop our vegetables matters if we wan’t to be touched by the the richness and joy of a human life. I invite you to join me for a period of practice and discussion emphasizing the cultivation of confidence in the Dhamma, the knowledge that the Buddha’s subtle teachings are accessible and that the fruit of practice is available to us in this life time. Known as pasada, this confidence, which is both a trust in the Dhamma and in one’s own capacity for freedom, can be recognized in the knowledge that we have everything we need to be awake.

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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