Every moment in our lives is an invitation to know ourselves better. And there is no moment - however big or small - that couldn't benefit from slowing down, taking a breath, and feeling...
The precious resource of our attention is so easily seduced – and sometimes consumed – by the demands, defenses, and distractions of the mind. Yet each time we find ourselves ‘lost in thought’ we...
We have all heard that letting go is the key to finding happiness and getting over pain, but it's rarely as easy as it sounds. The only way to free ourselves is to feel...
When meditators ask me what I teach and I explain what Insight Dialogue is, there’s often a pause accompanied by a quizzical expression and sometimes some thinly veiled distaste. The idea of pairing up,...
There is a lovely simile that the Buddha uses about someone needing to cross a large expanse of dangerous water because the current shore is dubious and risky, but the further shore is secure...
When we see ourselves clearly’ we cannot help but relate to the world around us, and all other creatures, with wonder, curiosity and reverence, for we are all composed of the same elements and...
My book is about meeting the unknown, the mystery, the darkness, with an open heart… in order to see clearly. I’ve spent a long time compassionately investigating the human tendency to avoid discomfort and...
The Buddha talked about the Three Jewels of this practice being Buddha, Dharma, Sangha. Buddha means awakening—the gradual and sudden extraordinary awakening to the way things are. Dharma means the nature of things—and the...
Instead of seeing enlightenment as something far away from us, we can realise that it’s closer than close. Seeing our experiences as empty opens a way of resting in our own centre. What if enlightenment...