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Nothing is my own, everything is my own.

With Christelle Bonneau recorded on February 12, 2017.

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It’s a pretty delicate task to find the right posture inside ourself in relation to the events that occur in our everyday life. Some are really desired and welcome; some are unexpected or disappointing. We gain things, we lose things and people, and good health comes and goes.

On the one hand, everything we experience is our own. It belongs to us, it’s inside us and the challenge is to embrace it, to really take it in. On the other hand, everything passes and none of our experience belongs to us. The “being”, the spacious consciousness that we are, doesn’t change and is much wider then just what we experience and how it affects us. It doesn’t own anything and it stays untouched. How can we remain in the heart of our human experience from this unconditional wide, free and loving place?

Listen to the audio version below, or click here to download the mp3.


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