Join Diana as she explores self-care, mindfulness, and learning to “be peace” amid the demands of our crazy sped up world.
With Diana Winston recorded on March 6, 2016.
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The Supramundane Nature of Emptiness
Recorded :
September 15, 2024 Emptiness can be a loaded word for lay practitioners. It can bring up a sense of isolation and annihilation. The dharma of emptiness, however, is a fundamental part of practice. Even in the most mundane tasks of our ordinary lives, we can access emptiness and feel the freedom that comes with it. It’s not about…
Not Knowing as an Active Practice
Recorded :
April 18, 2021 We sometimes think of not knowing as something negative, but is it really? Truly not-knowing allows spaciousness, openness, and much greater intimacy. When we make not-knowing an intentional action, the barriers that hold us back from true intimacy begin to dissolve, offering much deeper connection with each other, and with the entire universe.
The Delusion of Separateness
Recorded :
October 27, 2019 There seems to be a sense of disorientation, disjointedness and overall running around in circles happening in the world today. And for some reason, many of us think that we’re the only ones who are feeling it; as if it’s our own personal failing. As we move into the changing of seasons, this is the…
Return to Oneness – Resting in Luminous Being
Recorded :
February 9, 2025 Who is it that suffers? And why is asking that question valuable in our spiritual practice? In this Sunday session, we’ll explore these questions, and more. Following a guided meditation and teaching from Caverly’s book, The Heart of Who We Are, there will be plenty of time for discussion. All welcome.
Genuine Happiness: An Alternative Perspective
Recorded :
March 10, 2024 So much of what we hear and learn about within Dharma practice places an arguably unnecessary emphasis on suffering (dukkha). While the acceptance of suffering (dukkha) is an important and essential aspect of the path, it is by no means the end of the story. In one of the Buddha’s oldest descriptions of what it…
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Christine Kupfer – Week of October 9, 2023
This week’s topic is “Presence: At the Heart of Everything, Free from Everything”. I first heard this phrase when I was a young student of Zen. Since then I have practiced it every day. It is a radical proposition, an invitation to live fully. Embodied presence is transformative, healing and liberating.
Daily Meditation Recordings, with Ulla Koenig – Week of April 8, 2024
This week’s theme is “All Life is Practice”. In this week of exploring the four noble truths together, we will take a good look at the eightfold path and relate it to our own practice. Together we explore how all of our daily life can be seen as a part of a spiritual journey and heal the dualism between “practice” and “life”. May this week provide us with an inspiring expansion of what practice means for us.
Refuge: The Heart’s Own Knowing
Recorded :
September 29, 2019 It’s important to recognize that we are living in extremely challenging times, and because of this, we are going to experience some very painful and disturbing bodily feelings, emotions, and mind states. As profound uncertainty deepens and intensifies within and all around, our Dharma practice becomes ever more vital. The ground and heart of this…