Nolitha Tsengiwe
Nolitha Tsengiwe is a Dharma teacher and board member at Dharmagiri Retreat Center, in South Africa that was founded by Kittisaro and Thanissara. She has practiced since 1997 under Kittisaro and Thanissara, who are of Ajahn Chah’s lineage. In her first retreat with these beloved teachers she discovered silence as a refuge and has never looked back. Nolitha completed the Community Dharma leadership program (CDL4) under Spirit Rock in 2014 and is a graduate of IMS teacher training of 2017- 2021. Nolitha Tsengiwe is a Psychologist and is trained in Karuna (Group psychotherapy based on Buddhist principles) and Somatic Experiencing (SE). She offers in SA under Dharmagiri social justice workshops using Relational Mindfulness (Insight Dialogue) principles.